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Showing posts from July, 2012

Sibling Rivalry ~ Part II

The next biggest nugget of wisdom I liked the most from research on this particular topic was parent-modeling. Have you noticed when you buy a new car, all of the sudden you see your car everywhere? You just become hyper-alert; modeling good behavior continues to crop up everywhere I turn (I think the universe is trying to tell me something). On , this is a key point especially in the problem of kids being bossy (which in turn sparks fights amidst all of the critters). With bad behavior you see in your children, look at your self first. Kids mimic adults. As much as I hate to admit it, when my kids get bossy I can see a little of my bossiness in them. As the parent you are the boss, but I have noticed that there are several methods of delivery that can garner positive results without being overly bossy. Re-phrasing can look something like the following: * Offering choices. * Using humor for repeat offenses. * Making a game of get...

Summer and Sibling Rivalry - Part One

Does the temperature outside have anything to do with temperautres that run inside? I've gotta tell ya that my kids' tempers are all hotter during the summer, but I'm pretty sure it's just because they are around each other more with way too much free time on their hands. They look like such angels but man they can go at each other like boxers in a boxing match. With all their quarreling, bickering, yelling and outright fights I started to wonder at what point do I get involved? There is constant tattling, finger pointing and then someone always takes things to the 'next' level and I find myself becoming 'Judge Brittany' for most of the waking hours of the day. That or 'Cruise Ship Director' telling my bored kids all the fun activities that await them that they aren't seeing or discovering on their own. So, back to the question of 'when do I get involved?' I decided to do a little research on this one. I read several articles but ...

Weight Maintenance While Traveling

Ah. Vacations! I would be leading you astray if I didn't tell you that one of my favorite parts about vacations is eating out! I do love to cook but I hate cleaning it up! Vacation means no cooking and no cleaning! With unadulterated eating however comes extra poundage that everyone gets frantic about trying to lose upon return. And I don't know about you, but it is so much easier to put the weight on than it is to get it to come off. With that being said, I do believe that you can have your cake and eat it too. Here are my own personal travel rules minced with some tips I've picked up in various articles along the way. 1) Most important is my travel snack bag. I have to eat every two and half to three hours (and really, you should too) which means I have to be prepared where ever I go. On vacation in particular this includes the following: * My shaker cup and Isagenix shake for breakfast. Breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day and therefore I have to...

My 'Skinny Skirt' Fits!

First, I have to say that I am celebrating one year of weight loss maintenance, if not continuing momentum and improvement and I love it! I was looking for a cute travel skirt the other day and was thumbing through my hangers when I came across a cute floral skirt that I bought about nine years ago prior to my first baby. It's one of those articles of clothing you can't let go of despite the fact that you haven't been able to fit in it for about seven years. I figured that since the month prior to this search I had to go shopping and replace all of my pre-baby capris (now that's also just dang exciting!) I would just for kicks see if I could get this skirt over my hips (which post baby is always the biggest problem for me). I was flabbergasted and elated when it actually not only fit but I also had some room extra in there! This is what my training regiment and Isagenix has done for me - it has literally changed my body composition. Someone once told me that after...

Loving the Child You Have

I came across a fantastic article in a magazine in 2010, clipped it and added it to my 'parenting file.' Yes, I have a parenting file. I came across that article the other day and read it again, newly inspired. I simply want to share this article with you because it makes some excellent points. Enjoy and employ. You can find the article at the following address:

Easy Summer Pies

I took a two week hiatus from this here blog (my apologies folks) to enjoy some good old-fashioned family fun over the fourth, welcome some long-lost family members (step-daughter and husband) back into the grind and head out of town for a little vacation. We had the kids leave cell phones at home (after all, we didn't have that luxury growing up and they don't really need it right now either) and we drove about forty-five minutes to our destination where we stayed in a three-bedroom condo and did all the 'touristy' things in a town that I know like the back of my hand. It was a blast! We watched cable TV (we only get our local channels at home - so pre-historic I know!), grilled, swam, bowled, rode down the alpine slide and the kids navigated a tricky 'adventure course' 30 feet off the ground. Hubby and I tried to relax a little (at least the best I could as a parent with four kids) but I find more solace grocery...