You are going to be so excited today because I have the solution for your picky eater problem.But then again, you might not like it. To be honest, I didn't like it at first either. It took some getting used to which is funny because it is terribly simple. Are you ready for it? The solution is this... Let It Go. That means no fighting, coercing, bartering, yelling, tears, tantrums (yours as the parent of course), forcing - none of it. You prepare the picky eater's plate the same way you do anyone else's plate. Then they simply have the option to eat, or not to eat - that is their question. Some people have the 'No Thank You' rule which is simply that they try a bite of everything on the plate and if they don't like it they may be done with their meal after a polite 'no thank you.' If dessert is being served that evening, anyone who finishes their meal may participate. Easy as that. Now, I recently read an article about meal-time battles and the a...
Helping women know their worth as divine daughters of God, living with faith every day, take all the ridiculous selfies and get outside, breathe deep, smile and move your body! Live happy and well in this adventure that is YOUR life!