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Back In The Saddle Again

SO... Preston's first week of school was fantastic. He completed all of his work in class, did his homework and was thrilled beyond measure to not have any missing assignments. In fact, this morning he came into my room complaining about a sore throat and in worrying that he wouldn't be at school said, "Oh no! I don't want to miss any work and have missing assignments!" From that kid it was almost like the heavens opened and there was an angelic chorus singing - he has that internal drive to stay on top of his work! I am hopeful that he retains that, but it was something I hadn't heard from him before. The days are long and grueling for him which is obvious from his meltdowns last week, but I have been giving him a lithium orotate when he gets home from school and I do think that is helping. I also sat down yesterday to write out my expectations of him during the school year bearing in mind some of the issues we have been having of late (back-talking, whining, non-compliance, etc.). I tried to make my document funny which to him I succeeded in doing somehwat but at other parts he got very concerned and told me, "Mom. You are trying to be funny but it really isn't." Oh well! I can try right? I thought I would share the run down and I know I will add to it as I deem necessary. These kiddo's need specifics and to have it written down where they can refer to it is important. And I did get him outside very easily for Land Mine Deactivation Duty (cleaning up doggy bombs in the yard).

1)       All about a Happy Preston

a.       Respect for yourself and those around you at all times and in all places.

b.       No talking back. You are ALWAYS welcome to impart wisdom, humor and optimism.

c.        Worry about yourself. Braeden, Bentley and Gretel will be just fine without you.

d.       Stay in your space. Other people’s space has cooties and those are gross.

e.        Inside voices inside.  Eruptions and meltdowns can be enjoyed in your bedroom.

f.         Boomering and burping is for personal enjoyment in the bathroom or your bedroom only.

2)       The wonderful world of food.

a.       Dinner time will be enjoyed with Mom at 5:30pm on weeknights.

b.       You have to try what is on your plate whether or not you have or have not had it before.

                                                               i.      You have to finish what is on your plate to earn pre-bed snacks.

                                                             ii.      You have to have vegetables to earn dessert.

c.        Follow the chart for Table Arrangement Specialist night and Dapper Dish Duty

d.       Snacking may be enjoyed every 2.5 hours. Water your stomach in between.

                                                               i.      The Bunny Bowl is for happy, non-artificially flavored or partially hydrogenated bunnies (you get to enjoy the bunny bowl for avoiding naughty foods at school).

                                                             ii.      Bunny Gummies are yours should you choose to do the 1,2,3’s of the morning (make your bed, get dressed/put jammies away, brush your teeth)

3)       Paper Slayer (This is your title when it comes to Homework)

a.       Upon return from slaying classwork dragons at school, there will be homework (origami ogres) to slay at home. You have 15 minutes (or until 4:15) to fuel your body (snack) to prepare to conquer these horrendous beasts. We will work in sets of 10 minutes. You then get a 5 minute time-out to collect your wits before getting back in the ring.

                                                               i.      Playtime outside with fair maidens or fellow slayers will be enjoyed upon slaying all origami ogres.

4)       Team Plays

a.       When someone kicks the ball to you, it’s up to you score a goal!

                                                               i.      If we need your help (and we do!) please follow-through and do!

1.       Land Mine Deactivator (T, Th, S)

2.       Water Closet Whippersnapper (Main Floor) (S)

3.       Light Switch/Door Knob Inocculator (M, W, F)

4.       Anything we know you can do better than us (which is a lot)

5)       Count Momula (That’s me)

a.       I am Count Momula. I don’t drink blood, but do love garlic and unfortunately have very white, pasty skin that starts on fire in the sunlight. My job is to ensure compliance of said Home Regulatory Statutes or to be Chief Enforcer of all duties as outlined in above Constitution. We are all in this together and all have our part. Master enforcement techniques:

                                                               i.      Counting and Taking 9

                                                             ii.      Choices and Consequences (for better or worse)

                                                           iii.      Precision Requests

                                                            iv.      Loss of Privileges

                                                              v.      REWARDS!! Giddy Up!

More than anything, remember Momula’s job is to teach, train, love and enforce. My job is to help you become the best you can be and since I’ve already been where you have been, you are going to have to trust me that what I do is ALL ABOUT YOU AND YOUR LASTING HAPPINESS. We will not always agree, but I always love you.



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