I love nachos. Super nachos are even better - piled high with all sorts of decliciousness. However, unfortunately I don't usually indulge in said deliciousness because they have
such a bad reputation - I would guess mostly due to the inordinate amounts of cheese. So, I decided to change things around a bit so I
can have my nachos and eat them too. And so can you.
First, the nacho - You have more options than you think you do here. I've used the multi grain Chips from Costco that are made with flax and some good
ingredients too. The Terra Chips that are made from beet root veggies are a brilliant option as well (although some of those chips are particularly crisp - like hard crisp). This round I felt even more brilliant just using Simple Truth Organic Sweet Potato Chips (and you could even make your own). Regardless, these chips are good way to go and I usually go
by the serving size as far as amount goes which in this case was 17 chips.
Second, the salsa. Sometimes I like to put my salsa on the chip prior to broiling so it gets a little warmed-up. This time, I only broiled the chips and the organic cheese and added all other toppings after. The right kind of salsa is fabulous way to get some veggie on - tomatoes, onions, garlic, jalapenos and cilantro are all great for you. You can also make your own. I happened to recently stumble upon an organic, raw pineapple mango salsa sold at one of my locally-owned health shops. And WOW - it is super amazing chalk-full of amazing stuff.
Additional toppings can include grilled chicken, guacamole, straight avocado, or plain greek yogurt to sub for the sour cream. I honestly can't tell the difference in taste between the two and I'm getting some good probiotics on top of some protein. I've been scaling back just a bit in the meats department so I've been passing on the chicken at the moment. I still get good and satisfied without it.
As for a little note on cheese - cheese is good in my book. Yes it is dairy and yes it has fat and extra calories. I've got to tell you though - I LOVE CHEESE. If there was one thing that would keep me from going vegan - it would be my love affair with cheese. This is simply one area where I get to exercise moderation. On the other hand it does have protein and it makes me happy. When buying cheese, organic is better and always watch out for cheeses that have Nytacin in them; it is a mold inhibitor but is an antibiotic derivative which will still kill off good bacteria in your body. We don't need more reason to make our bodies immune to antibiotics for when we really need them as well.
So, all in all, put your chips on a cookie sheet and top with some cheese and broil to the cheese is bubbly. I quickly remove and top with salsa, Fage yogurt, ready to go single serving guac (the fat in guac and avocado also helps counterbalance some of the carbs in your chips. Fat helps slow the absorption of sugars in the body which in turn helps our body to not have to store the sugars as fat). And finally, a go-around with freshly ground pepper and you have healthy, happy nachos without the guilt. Indulging without indulging. And they are amazingly filling. Employ and enjoy.
Second, the salsa. Sometimes I like to put my salsa on the chip prior to broiling so it gets a little warmed-up. This time, I only broiled the chips and the organic cheese and added all other toppings after. The right kind of salsa is fabulous way to get some veggie on - tomatoes, onions, garlic, jalapenos and cilantro are all great for you. You can also make your own. I happened to recently stumble upon an organic, raw pineapple mango salsa sold at one of my locally-owned health shops. And WOW - it is super amazing chalk-full of amazing stuff.
As for a little note on cheese - cheese is good in my book. Yes it is dairy and yes it has fat and extra calories. I've got to tell you though - I LOVE CHEESE. If there was one thing that would keep me from going vegan - it would be my love affair with cheese. This is simply one area where I get to exercise moderation. On the other hand it does have protein and it makes me happy. When buying cheese, organic is better and always watch out for cheeses that have Nytacin in them; it is a mold inhibitor but is an antibiotic derivative which will still kill off good bacteria in your body. We don't need more reason to make our bodies immune to antibiotics for when we really need them as well.
So, all in all, put your chips on a cookie sheet and top with some cheese and broil to the cheese is bubbly. I quickly remove and top with salsa, Fage yogurt, ready to go single serving guac (the fat in guac and avocado also helps counterbalance some of the carbs in your chips. Fat helps slow the absorption of sugars in the body which in turn helps our body to not have to store the sugars as fat). And finally, a go-around with freshly ground pepper and you have healthy, happy nachos without the guilt. Indulging without indulging. And they are amazingly filling. Employ and enjoy.
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