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This Virus Thing BLOWS! Who Else Isn't Experiencing Rainbows and Unicorns?

Friends! It's too early to send up the white flag but I'm holding it in my hand ready to go! Oi vay! This quarantine thing ain't for me!  School's out for summer (not yet really but I'm not holding my breath) but we can't hang with friends, go to the pool, museum, movies, eat-out, or even hit the gym. And isn't it ironic that I had just barely made a goal to have set, working hours during my day? Now I'm having to get super creative with everything I still have to do on a regular basis now with homeschooling forced onto my plate (which I have chosen not to do up to this point for a reason), businesses shutting down, friends losing jobs, small businesses struggling (more friends) and there's still no toilet paper! I'm struggling! And apparently, no one can spare a square! (I can't believe I haven't seen any meme's using that one yet!) I tend to be optimistic and I do my best to #spreadpositivity and #bethelight (can't seem to write without hashtags now apparently either) but I'm also a realist and man - this whole scenario ain't easy! In fact for me, that's putting it lightly. This bites.

Truly - I am not knocking anyone that has posted pics of their kids at the table doing homework but I
swear they have either been drugged, bribed or it's photo-shopped. Attempting homework around here comes with weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth and very dramatic full body throws to the floor. If I was a better mom I would make sure they're okay but I go and look at the floor to make sure they didn't bust it (I joke!). With the fits he throws, it's a miracle that my youngest has made it through any schooling. And on top of that, my husband is now home part-time. People - I love my husband. I also love MY SPACE! And bless him, I have always been that way; I enjoy alone time writing, listening to music or going for a mountain bike ride or skiing. So now, I have four boys in the house  that have very strong personalities and can be very obstinate. Only one of them tends to be on the other-end of the spectrum whom I have had to lecture about not being a people-pleaser in the past. In this scenario, I do appreciate that trait more than I normally would. Then of course there is the dog who also seems to be abnormally clingy following me wherever I go and has to be either touching me or on top of me. I just want everyone to get along and do what I say no questions asked! Why is that so difficult?!

Seriously folks, this is not an easy situation. And quite honestly, there should be more validation going around because the biggest factor in this whole thing is UNCERTAINTY. People aren't getting paychecks, small business are struggling, hospitals are overwhelmed and no one has an answer to when this is going to end. I think most of us are figuring that school may be out for summer. So, let's do what we can to spread some goodness, be positive but also acknowledge we are going to have some tough days! And today is one of those days. We may have days when we are scared! We will definitely have days when we are overwhelmed! We can help each other through this! I will be blogging daily about the wins, about the struggles and I'll work to keep it short and sweet and entertaining! And I guess I'll get a TikTok account and start making dance videos with my angsty kids. It's what I do. And have frosted cookies once in awhile because hey, may life be filled with #adventuresandfrosting !

Good luck my friends. We can do hard things! Love to you all!



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