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Moving the Needle Toward Better Health vs. Weight Loss Journey

  It's been 3 years since I've seen the number that I saw on my scale this morning. And I'm pretty pumped about it.  I've struggled with my weight for three plus years. When I say struggle, the plus part is really just me letting go of all my self-control through the holidays, get into really bad habits in the process and then spend the next eight to nine months working off the 5-10 pounds I put on - and then repeat. The last three years specifically though - I struggled to get my weight to really come back down and that was in large part due to Covid. I felt like I was fighting against my body and I hated that my body would not relent. While the frustration is real, I also had some body dysmorphia going on; I was in fact obsessed with my body, how it looked and it was never good enough. I would work out longer and harder to earn my meals. I was told recently that that is a form of an eating disorder, and I can't understand how I never saw that before. Our bodies do...
Recent posts

Welcome To Secret In the Sauce!

 WELCOME!! I started this blog as a place for me to vent when I was a young single and then bumped into blended family mama, in the trenches with a young kiddo with ADHD and it was HARD. We've attempted to solve issues with meds before we realized that they weren't working, were causing additional health risks and that God truly has given us everything we need to heal through nature, herbs and HIM. Most recently I had my breast implants of 17 years removed for the sake of saving my health and learning to love my body as the beautiful gift from God that it is. With all that being said, life is a journey and we are all on our own path. There are plenty of parents that sing praises to the medications their children are on and countless women that love their breast implants for the confidence they have given them. Everyone has their own experience - and I have mine; and from my experiences through this adventure that is life, I share all that I have learned and continue to learn. I...

Experiencing Loss and Brighter Days Ahead

Today is a good day to connect with people. Every day is a good day to share yourself with people! As humans, we need that connection and we need to know that we aren't alone in our experiences! The first time I truly felt that comfort in knowing I wasn't alone was when I had my first miscarriage. I was twelve weeks pregnant with my first baby when at the ultrasound, the heartbeat we heard at eight weeks was no longer there. As it turns out, it wasn't long after that first appointment that my baby's heart stopped beating. I went for four weeks sick and miserable not having a clue that I had miscarried. I had to make the decision to continue to wait to hopefully officially miscarry or have a D and C; I chose the latter. Several years later after I had had a live birth, I was excited to be pregnant again (I had divorced and remarried since my first kiddo so the year span was simply due to life and not an inability to get pregnant). I was even more excited to find out I wa...

This Virus Thing BLOWS! Who Else Isn't Experiencing Rainbows and Unicorns?

Friends! It's too early to send up the white flag but I'm holding it in my hand ready to go! Oi vay! This quarantine thing ain't for me!  School's out for summer (not yet really but I'm not holding my breath) but we can't hang with friends, go to the pool, museum, movies, eat-out, or even hit the gym. And isn't it ironic that I had just barely made a goal to have set, working hours during my day? Now I'm having to get super creative with everything I still have to do on a regular basis now with homeschooling forced onto my plate (which I have chosen not to do up to this point for a reason), businesses shutting down, friends losing jobs, small businesses struggling (more friends) and there's still no toilet paper! I'm struggling! And apparently, no one can spare a square! (I can't believe I haven't seen any meme's using that one yet!) I tend to be optimistic and I do my best to #spreadpositivity and #bethelight (can't seem to wri...

Have a laugh!

I have a super simple short post to write today.  Now stick with me on this - you'll be confused for a minute... I can totally write this while I look at your cute freckled face. And your giggles make me happy! Are you impressed yet? You need a haircut. And your teeth to be cleaned - don't frowny face me young man! Your freckles will not make up for your nasty dirty teeth! And you have chocolate on your face. Stick your tongue back in your mouth and go wash it off your face! I just typed all that while looking at my son and he read it as I typed. He was of course extremely impressed with my mad skillz, but also got a good laugh out of it. Do you make your kids laugh? Every day? That's actually one of my biggest goals - to make everyone in my family laugh at least once! Not because I'm funny (although - here's to hoping!) but because laughter is good for the soul; on a physiological level - did you know that? When you smile and laugh, it releases the feel-goo...

Embracing FEAR

Hey folks! Here I am again! And still anxious to not only hit the 'publish' button but to then take it one step further and share the link! So, I thought it only appropriate that this post address the emotion that has been my nemesis in resuming my work as a writer. FEAR! Fear of what - I don't know. Failure? Being good at it? People liking it? Offending somebody? All of these are possible and may become an actual reality, but does it really matter? YES! It is preventing me from moving forward! I'm going to out on a limb here and say that the fear of failure is probably the biggest fear that haunts us all. Yes? How often do people say, I'm not putting myself 'out there' because I'm afraid of getting hurt? I'm not going to try to do a marathon because I'm afraid I won't finish. I'm not going to try this diet, because what if I fail? I'm not going to try to write a book because people might hate it. Ican't do a Spartan race, I m...

I Can Only Change ME

I CAN ONLY CHANGE ME Welcome my friend! I have taken some time-off (well, a lot of time off) but the break - and long awaited return - is over! And I figured there was no better way to jump back in to this than to re-state what the whole purpose of this blog is. (Are blogs on the out now? Do I need a .com address to be 'legit?' Well, whatever, this is where I'm startin'!) The crazy part is, over the years, this ONE key concept - I CAN ONLY CHANGE ME - is what I keep coming back to and what my ultimate fallback is. I may be a slow learner folks, but I'll probably never get it. Yes - that is not a typo - I probably will  never master this, but I sure can work at it every day! As I say that, I realize I need to offer my kids and my husband way more grace and forgiveness than I do because I am myself am a repeat offender in all things bad and luckily all things good as well. This right here is the foundation to this whole blog: You can't change anyone but your...